Monday, January 28, 2008

Shaving Cream Card

I'm teaching an After School Enrichment class at my children's grade school and had to come up with some fun techniques to show 2nd thru 5th graders. What could be more fun than Shaving Cream and re-inkers? Here's one card that I came up with while perfecting my technique (I haven't done this in year's!). If you've never done the technique, it's very simple! Directions:

Put a mound of shaving cream on a paper plate or other disposable surface. Smooth out the shaving cream using a knife or spatula (a bone folder works too!) until it's about 1/4 inch deep and is big enough around to fit your piece of paper on (my paper was 3x3, so I smoothed mine out to about 5x5). Drop dots of different color ink around the shaving cream (I drop about 8 dots on the 5x5 surface). Using a stick or the pointy end of the paintbrush, drag it through the ink, first in vertical lines, then in horizontal lines, making a grid in the shaving cream. You will have a gorgeous ink pattern in the shaving cream! All that's left to do is lay your white piece of CS on top of the shaving cream. Push down slightly until shaving cream starts to come over edges slightly. Lift the paper out of the shaving cream and wipe of excess shaving cream....voila! Patterned background paper using shaving cream!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That turned out really cute! I have never tried that technique, though I've always wanted to...perhaps I'll go home and play!